Veteran actor Zeenat Aman, one of India’s most beautiful faces and exemplary actors during the 70’s and 80’s turned 63 on Wednesday. Best known for her roles in Hare Rama Hare Krishna (1971) and Qurbani (1980), she is ready to take on love and marriage again, reported IANS.
“Of course I want to settle down with someone once again. Why wouldn’t I? You see, all these years I’ve single-mindedly focused on my sons Azaan and Zahaan. Their well-being and happiness are all that mattered to me while they were growing up. “Now that they have matured and have a life of their own, I can begin to think about my own life once again,” says Aman with a laugh as she takes on her 60s headlong.
During her heydays Aman worked round the clock to become one of the most sought-after actors in the 1970s. Her marriage to the late actor Mazhar Khan in 1985 which eventually ended in a bitter divorce considerably slackened her work-pace. “You must understand I worked relentlessly for 15 years. When I got married I had reached a sort of saturation point. I wanted to focus on my marriage, husband and then the two boys. Now my sons are grown up and have a life of their own. They are both multi-talented,” she explains. “The elder one has graduated. The younger one is qualified in the culinary arts, and in music and acting. Let’s see which way they go. At the moment their future is fluid,” she said.
She won’t admit having someone in her life but admits to being ready for love and marriage. “I hold no grudges against anyone. I’d rather not have any negativity within me. It’s all gone, washed away. With every passing year it’s only the here and the now that seems important. I believe there are good people out there. And I believe there is always room for love and companionship,” she says, reported the Deccan Chronicle.
However, the actor is not hopeful about her career trajectory, “Honestly, I’m not offered anything substantial. There are just that many roles for actors my age. In fact the opportunities are almost non-existent. For better or worse I can’t chase work. I never have done that. I choose from whatever comes my way.”
But she isn’t complaining. “I will do another film now only when it’s something worth my while. I don’t need to act just for the heck of it; I’m open to appropriate roles but nobody is knocking my door down.”
Published in The Express Tribune, November 21st, 2014.
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